As we know that power bank is very useful for our gadget these days.
With using power bank we can charge our gadget with electric power whenever and wherever. And now we can find power banks in many electronic markets or gadget markets .
In this time we want to give you simple electronic circuit schematic of power bank. We hope you can know more about your power bank with this electronic circuit.
Before we give you this electronic circuit schematic of power Bank, we will describe you globally about How is the Power Bank Work to charge our gadget.
Power bank itself is a resource that contains a set of batteries with high power.
The capacity range is the market is around 2000mAh - 20000 mAh. This battery has a voltage of 7.4 volt regulator IC is reduced by 7805. Order compatible with mobile devices that range is 3.7 volts. Why must 5 volt?
It is because usually our gadget like handphone using voltage 3.7 volt, the voltage to charge should be higher. So use 5 volts. And if your gadget more than 3.7 volt so you must using power bank with other voltage like 7.4 volt that usually will charge our gadget like smartphone.
Electronic Circuit Schematic:
Figure 1. Power Bank Circuit Schematic
Component List:
1 BT1 = Battery 7.4 Volt,
2 C2 = 1000uF/16V
3 C3 = 470uF/16V
4 R1 = 150 ohm
5 D1 = LED
6 U1 = LM 7805
Circuit Performances:
· We can charge the battery BT1 with input 10V, 1 Ampere from adapter with open the switch SW1
· And we can use to this simple power bank to charge our gadget like handphone with close the switch SW1.
· When we close SW1 it mean that power battery from BT1 will regulated into 5 volt using U1 LM 7805 as the output of this Power Bank to charge our gadget.
· LED D1 is indicator when we use this power bank to charge our gadget and it is also indicate that switch SW1 is closed.